School-wide Software Subscriptions
Teaching and learning happens through multiple modalities and platforms, including software and applications that students access through school issued chromebooks. To ensure our teachers have the most current and useful resources available we provide funding for school-wide subscriptions to:

Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence. Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for grades 2+. Together Reflex and Frax offer a simple, effective, and engaging way to teach students fractions that gets them excited and confident about doing math.

Seesaw Plus is a platform for student engagement that inspires students of all ages to do their best, and saves teachers time! Students use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and more to capture learning in a portfolio. Seesaw’s application provides parents with real time access to their students’ learning and progress and provides an easy messaging system for teachers and caregivers.

Raz-Kids Reading Resources helps students level up to better reading. With digitally delivered leveled books and quizzes and billions of leveled readers already accessed across the world, Raz-Kids is an award-winning resource that provides a library of differentiated books at 29 levels of difficulty students use to practice reading in school, at home, or on the go.

BrainPop is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies for students in grades K-12, together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, math, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
Additionally, we provide individual teacher accounts for SafeShare+ and Vocab Class (grades 3-5) for any teacher on campus who would like to use these platforms as well.

SafeShare.tv is a website where teachers can show videos from YouTube or Vimeo with ads and related videos removed.

VocabClass is a fun interactive spelling & vocabulary program that rewards student effort and makes it easy for teachers, homeschoolers and parents to create, assign, assess, and manage word lists.

Enrichment Opportunities:
Family Science night and the STEAM Fair
It is our belief that access to opportunities helps to drive student interest and curiosity and may one day lead to a future hobby or even career path. In this vein, we host 2 STEAM events throughout the school year - a Family Science Night in the Fall and a STEAM Fair in the Spring. Both events provide families with an on-campus opportunity to explore science, technology, engineering, art and mathematical concepts and experiences with their students. These events include hands-on activities and take-home activities, prizes, music, food trucks and more. They are fun and engaging for students of all ages!
Innovation Lab at Valley Elementary
As a Foundation we are directly involved in the process of converting an old computer lab room into an Innovation Lab. This Innovation Lab (I-Lab) will provide a place to extend students' learning journeys beyond the classroom. Students will engage in career exploration and community action projects and develop aptitude with technology while building 21st-century skills like collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. The lab will center around Holland's six occupational themes (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional - RIASEC), fifteen Career Technical Education (CTE) industry sectors, and jobs within each sector. A maker space and technology will provide students with hands-on approaches to their career exploration and action projects.

Partnership with Poway OnStage
Since 2022, the Valley Elementary Educational Foundation has partnered with Poway OnStage, a nonprofit based in the Poway Center for the Performing Arts, in their ArtsEd Program to bring visual and performing arts to our students through on campus assemblies and field trips to see live performances at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts. This program provides a live performance to every student on campus and also includes in-class workshops, free access to virtual field trips, and a presence at our yearly STEAM Fair hosting in the spring. Click here to learn more about Poway OnStage.